’The Story of Animation’ is an animated 3 mins short film directed by David Tart and produced at Tumblehead Animation Studio in Viborg, Denmark.
The story of Animation deals with the problems and questions that a possible client might have.
The film is therefore not about the history of animation, but shows the production process and the visual potential which animation films as a media contains. The film is targeted towards companies that might have an outdated view on animation as a communication form – a form that speaks to children only.
The film therefore introduces the animation branch and the companies to each other, so they can get a chance to learn each other’s worlds, language and competences - thereby figuring out how to solve tasks together.
The story follows YOU, the main character who has set out to produce an advertisement for a company that makes clever inventions. Faced with this new media, naturally, a lot of questions are raised that need answering; What style should you use? Who can you call? What is the process? How much does it cost? And isn’t animation just for children? Luckily YOU is guided by the all knowing narrator who explains the different processes and helps him make the right decisions.
The story of Animation deals with the problems and questions that a possible client might have.
The film is therefore not about the history of animation, but shows the production process and the visual potential which animation films as a media contains. The film is targeted towards companies that might have an outdated view on animation as a communication form – a form that speaks to children only.
The film therefore introduces the animation branch and the companies to each other, so they can get a chance to learn each other’s worlds, language and competences - thereby figuring out how to solve tasks together.
The story follows YOU, the main character who has set out to produce an advertisement for a company that makes clever inventions. Faced with this new media, naturally, a lot of questions are raised that need answering; What style should you use? Who can you call? What is the process? How much does it cost? And isn’t animation just for children? Luckily YOU is guided by the all knowing narrator who explains the different processes and helps him make the right decisions.